If you do any work from home, you will quickly realize that you spend a lot of time in your office. One of the key components of your desk setup are your speakers. Your computer speakers allow you to hear your meetings clearly and enjoy your work more by listening to quality music. Finding a great set of speakers for your home office can be very challenging. These tips below will help you know what is most important to look for. The following are listed in order of importance.
- Sound Quality
- Connectivity Options
- Size and Appearance
- Smart Home Integration
Sound Quality
The most important part of your home office speaker setup up is the sound quality. You will want a speaker with clear highs, accurate mids, and rich bass. A quality speaker system will allow you to clearly hear your conference calls. Good sounding music will make working much more enjoyable.
Connectivity options
How you connect to your speakers should support how you want to listen to audio with your computer office speakers. You will want a direct connection to your computer through either an auxiliary cable or USB. Another option is through an optical connector. Any of these options work great. Additionally, you might want to connect your speakers to your phone. Speakers with bluetooth enable quick and easy pairing.
Size and Appearance
The speakers you choose for you home office setup should fit well on your desk and match the style of your office. Your speakers should sit on your desk and point to your head. This gives you the best listening experience. If your speakers are not that tall, you can get a stand that elevates them or angles the speakers toward you ears.
A DAC (Digital Audio Converter) is a device that takes the digital audio signal from your computer and converts it into an analog audio signal. This conversion process is needed whenever you listen to audio from your computer. Devices that make sound from a digital signal have this functionality, but having a high quality DAC can make all of your audio sound much better. Some speakers have this built into them. Another option is to run your audio through an external DAC into your speakers.
Smart Home Integration
The final feature you should consider when you are purchasing speakers for your home office is their smart home integration. If you want a speaker that can be part of a multi-room audio set up, you will need to make sure your speaker has that functionality and that it is compatible with other speakers in that setup.
To find the perfect home office speakers for yourself, you should look for speakers that have good sound quality. Be sure that your computer can connect to them. They should fit well in your desk and match your setup. Direct the sound to your ears for the best listening experience. A DAC can really upgrade the sound quality, but is not needed. If you have a smart smart home ecosystem you want to add these to, make sure they are compatible.
Recommendation: Audio Engine A2+
The Audio Engine A2+ are my recommendation and what I use in my home office speaker setup. The speakers are clean, modern, and have an amazing sound profile. They have a DAC built in, which makes these speakers an incredible deal with all of its features. They even offer bluetooth connectivity. Audio Engine also has speaker stands that point the speakers to your head for the ideal listening experience. These speakers fit on any desk and are ideal for any office!